Monday, September 10, 2007


My daughter started brownies three years ago. Her first year I stayed at the meetings. I missed out when I was a kid. I quit brownies because most of the night we sat and nothing. Well wouldn't you know the old junior leader wanted to retire and I was asked to lead their troop. Here i am my second year. I am still learning. I created my own web site for parents to make scouts more modern. Check my site out at . I'm hoping to get parents involved and adding comments. Som people might be wondering what this has to do with selective mutism. I find that the more involved my daughter is with afterschool activities the less anxious she is. The nights are smoother and she isn't as frustrated. For anyone who is struggling being on the same page with your school helps tremendously. There has been zero back to school anxiety this year. That's a first!!! No bathroom issues either. My daughter doesn;t beeline for the bathroom right after she gets off the bus. The small things really do matter. Anyway Mom's and Dad's sign your kids up for scouts. It helps build character and get them ready for the "real world."

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